New Members

Why join UDGA?
To make lasting friendships
To learn new things
To network with other breeders
To sell goats
To participate in shows and other advancement programs
To help improve the dairy goat industry in Utah
Membership costs $20 for an individual membership and $30 for a family membership.
All members are listed on the site. If you choose to have a picture or logo with your listing, please upload it when filling out this form.
You also have the opportunity to advertise on the site and on social media for an extra fee! If you choose to do this please fill out the form below and upload any picture you want included with your ad.
Send membership registration by Venmo to : @UtahDairy-GoatAssociation
Send membership registration by paypal to:
To pay buy check: mail a check to
UDGA Memberships
HC63 Box 744
Hanna, UT 84031