Events and Shows
UDGA organizes and holds several meetings, educational in-services, as well as sanctioned shows every year to promote and support dairy goat ownership and breeding within the state.

Upcoming Shows
UDGA puts on two to three shows every summer. These shows are sanctioned by the American Dairy Goat Assocation and the American Goat Society. Not only is it fun to show your goats, it is also a great way get to know all about dairy goats and meet the people who raise them. You don’t have to participate to attend.
Upcoming Meetings
UDGA holds a membership meeting to go over association business every two to three months. In these meetings we plan upcoming events as well as cover current business.
Upcoming Education
Throughout the year we try to hold educational in-services for dairy goat breeders and enthusiasts in conjunction with our meetings. They are open to everyone. Here is a list of our planned in-services this year. If you are interested in us going over a specific topic, please feel free to use the contact page and let us know.